Showing posts with label Life Quotes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Life Quotes. Show all posts

Monday, November 11, 2019

Sunday, November 03, 2019

LIFE is like a MOVIE...!!

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LIFE is like a MOVIE...

if you are Sad...
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if you are Afraid...
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if you are Angry...
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if you look in Mirror ...
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Now you are Smiling !
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Thursday, October 31, 2019

Your Greatest Power

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Your Greatest Power is the Power to be...
To be more LOVING
To be more JOYOUS
To be more FRIENDLY
To be more SENSITIVE
To be more AWARE
To be more FORGIVING
To be more TOLERANT 
To be more HUMBLE
To be more PATIENT
To be more HELPFUL

Friday, September 20, 2019

Relationship is like a Rose....

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A relationship is like a rose,

How long it lasts, no one knows....

Love can erase an awful past, love can be

yours, you'll see at last.

To feel that love, it makes you sigh,

To have it

leave, you'd
rather die.

You hope you've found that special rose, 'cause

you love and care for the one you chose....
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Saturday, September 14, 2019

I am a WOMAN ...!!!!!!

“O Woman, you are not merely the handiwork of God, but also of men; these are ever endowing you with beauty from their own hearts … You are one-half woman and one-half dream.”―Rabindranath Tagore

I know my value...I know what a beautiful person Iam ..I know a way to be sturdy once I ought to be...I know of these things as a result of i'm a lady...
Woman has suffered for eons, which has given her infinite patience and infinite perseverance.
"Nothing makes a lady a lot of stunning than the idea that she is Gorgeous."

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

….Deep within Maine may be A Girl.....

Just hold Maine. I simply need to be command...
 I simply wish to seek out somebody WHO won’t run away. somebody to look Maine within the eyes and tell me it’s okay that things don’t continuously go right...
That this is however life works, and the way it'll continuously work... 
That it’s not going to be simple. Today, tomorrow, future day, however it'll somehow get well.….
deep within Mine may be a girl, thus vulnerable, thus helpless, weak, scared, filled with desire,..

Monday, September 09, 2019

#Love who you are..

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“Be real. Embrace that you have weakness. Because everyone does. Embrace that your body is not perfect. Because nobody’s is. Embrace that you have things you can’t control. We all have a list of them.” 
Love who you are
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“Let things go. Release them. Detach yourself from them. Nobody plays this life with marked cards, so sometimes we win and sometimes we lose. Do not expect anything in return, do not expect your efforts to be appreciated, your genius to be discovered, your love to be understood. Stop turning on your emotional television to watch the same program over and over again, the one that shows how much you suffered from a certain loss: that is only poisoning you, nothing else.”

Love Rose

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Friday, August 30, 2019


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 Haansi ko '' INBOX ''

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aansu ko '' OUTBOX ''
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 gusse ko '' DELETE ''
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 muskaan ko '' SENT ''
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 pyaar ko'' SAVE ''
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 dil ko ''VIBRATE '' karo.
 phir dekho ...
 zindegi mei kitni pyaari 
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 bajti hai..!

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♫ღMelody Of Loveღ♫

 Radha's love teach not only how 2 love but 2 love eternaly. ღღღ ღ I am mad with love And no one understands my ...